012: The Cult Laid Low

Desperate to save his fallen companions the bard Silvertongue sent forth a wild jabbering of whisperings to torment the foul butcher’s psyche. Such was Silvertongue’s puissance that Kaleva lost concentration and the spectral skulls—that tore and worried at the bard’s companions—faded from existence.

Freed of their constraints, Dennan stepped forward and slew the foul cult leader with a mighty chop of his axe. The party were victorious—but not a moment too soon for Artur lay close to death. Quickly, the party bound the paladin’s wounds and searched the building for other lurking cultists.

Grand Silvertongue discovered cultist medallions on the two lookouts/apprentices (much to Colzo’s relief) while Luther found a loose floorboard in an upstairs room. The room was outfitted like a shrine, and the party suspected a trap. Luther could find none and so Horsa pried up the floorboard with his arcane powers of telekinesis. A huge explosion rocked the room, and almost killed the wizard (who was only saved at the last moment by a desperate magical defence).

This trap, however, was the last danger lurking in Kaleva’s lair. As the party gathered more evidence of his blasphemous doings, the watch arrived to take charge of the situation. Handing over some evidence, and promising to provide full statements on the morrow, most of the party staggered off to rest. Colzo and Luther accompanied several members of the watch who dragged the single surviving cultist off to Low Gate.

The balance of the party headed to the Drunken Sailor to give Laina the good news—that her friend was safe! Laina was overjoyed and reaffirmed her agreement with the party to take them to the Murkwater. However, she cautioned that the time was not yet right. Because of the many rocks lurking in the surrounding waters it was best to approach the place during the Spring Tides (which occur on the 1st and 14th of every month).

Wisely, the party heeded her advice, and began to look forward to some much needed rest and recuperation. After a night’s hard drinking and story telling, the heroes returned to their lodgings.

The next day (the 4th of Anoriul) the party returned to Low Gate to make their report. When they did so—and handed over yet more evidence of the cult’s doings—Elina Keto, asked of them a favour. It seemed none of the watch were keen to confirm the temple now lay empty. Elina asked if the heroes would make a final sweep of the place. If they did, she suggested the watch would not be concerned with recovering any coinage the party found—as such was clearly nothing to do with the group’s blasphemous practises.

With alacrity, the party agreed to this deal and began making preparations to once again descend to the temple. Meanwhile, Silvertongue began to worry that with the impending full moon several of his friends may have forgotten the looming threat of lycanthropy that yet hung over the group…