2 min read

022 Death, Under a Starry Sky

As the party fought on, more strange beings filtered down from the graven starry sky. Horsa shouted a desperate call to retreat, but his companions ignored him--several advancing back into the room.
022 Death, Under a Starry Sky

As the party fought on, more strange beings filtered down from the graven starry sky. Horsa shouted a desperate call to retreat, but his companions ignored him--several advancing back into the room.

Desperate to stem the tide, the party's warriors fought heroically. Individually, the small foul creatures were no match for the heroes, but slowly numbers began to tell. While Hell'en blocked the western passageway, Colzo and Artur bravely advanced from the south. Grand Silvertongue--seemingly trapped in the chamber and almost paralysed into immobility--kept the creatures at bay with his whirling wall of wind, but could add little more to the outcome.

Just as the party stemmed the tide, a much larger and more terrible threat appeared. A huge orange and blue gorilla-like creature appeared among its lesser brethren. Dennan immediately rushed to attack it. A furious melee broke out. The thing was immensely strong and set about battering and biting the young barbarian. He--in turn--barely felt the huge wounds such was his anger and ferocity.

As his friends strove to reach his side, Dennan fought on, alone. Just as he gained the upper hand and was on the verge of slaying the beast another appeared. The first, now grievously wounded, disappeared.

To the south, things were not going well. Another being--a black shadow creature quickly identified as a shadow demon--appeared. Force to retreat by Artur's shining holy light it passed through the western wall and immediately discovered new prey in the form of Horsa and Luther.

Meanwhile, in the main chamber, Hell'en held the corridor, but could do little to aid Dennan. As she watched, the second of the two monstrous gorilla things battered the barbarian to the ground. While the priestess' magic kept the barbarian from immediate death the press of foes stopped Hell'en from reaching her fallen friend.

The big gorilla thing shifted its attention to Hell'en, battering her with its mighty fists. Grievously wounded Hell'en retreated. By now Luther and Horsa had retreated to the west toward the downward stairs. Grand Silvertongue, Colzo and Artur--assailed by the small hairless creatures and the shadow demon--yet fought on, but were slowly backing away toward their friends.

For Dennan, there seemed no hope...