AtD 015: Into the Mausoleum of Braal

Although Balasar sought to learn more about the dangers lurking in the mausoleum with a well-timed detect magic, the ritual took too long to cast for the more impetuous heroes. Thonn and Balasar strode into the main room as Bodrum wove his magic. Thonn advanced to the statue and began to climb up to its head—the green gemstones must be his!
At that moment, seven of the doors piercing the chamber's walls opened, and seven skeletal figures strode forth to do battle. One of the skeletons wielded a softly glowing sword. Quickly the undead were on the party, and the battle was joined.
As the battle raged below, Thonn climbed higher up the statue to begin prying one of the gems loose from the statue's eye socket. He slipped, and the gem sailed out of the eye socket. He made a grab for it, slipped and almost fell to the ground at the feet of two skeletons lurking at the statue's feet. Luckily, the warrior caught himself before he fell and avoided disaster, but the gem was smashed into a myriad of pieces on the floor.
As more undead joined the fray, the heroes slowly advanced. In short order, the skeletons were destroyed, but not before some of the party were grievously injured. As the heroes tended to the worst of their injuries, Thonn successfully pried the second gem from its mounting and rejoined the party.
After a quick search of the chamber, the party decided to rest. As Gromm kept watch over the door, Saeldur and Ozloc searched the central chamber. They found little of interest and started on the many small rooms off from the main chamber. At that moment, Gromm heard someone stealthily creeping up to the mausoleum’s door, which the party had left open a crack (as there was no opening mechanism on the inside).
As Gromm cried a warning, a hobgoblin warrior appeared at the door and tried to slam it shut—trapping the party in the dusty mausoleum. However, luck was with the party, and a piece of bone—quickly joined by Gromm’s foot wedged in the gap—thwarted the hobgoblin's plan.
As the party leapt to aid their friend, another half dozen hobgoblins appeared outside the tomb. It seemed their battle with the skeletons had not gone unnoticed and that the party were now trapped...
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