ATD: 026 Chasing Goblins

With arrows whining past his head, Gromm charged down the stairs. However, before he reached the archers, Saeldur unleashed another of his special exploding magical arrows and annihilated the four goblins.

Seeing this, the hobgoblin archers at the bottom of the stairs fled. Thus, began an epic chase through the goblin tunnels. Some of the heroes charged heedlessly after the goblins while others—brave Ozloc and doughty Harald—moved more cautiously as Lydia's tales of ambush loomed large in their minds.

Thus, in short order, the party became somewhat spread out in the tunnels chasing various bands of goblins and hobgoblins along various corridors. Most of these foes were slain, but as the party became dangerously over-extended, the heroes decided to break off pursuit and regroup.

Eventually, the heroes gathered outside the skull-decorated double doors Saeldur had found on this last scouting foray. Bodrum's finely tuned elven senses detected something wrong (or perhaps foreboding) about what lay beyond the doors. Although Harald could sense no undead or otherworldly fiends in the area this new threat clearly needed to be dealt with and so the heroes prepared to kick in the door...