AtD 031: Parting of the Ways (Below)

The five hapless adventurers slid down a seemingly unending, tremendously smooth slide that took them ever deeper into the bowels of the hill below the monastery. The heroes slid downwards for almost 30 seconds before falling—one after another—into a natural cavern. Eight exits pierced the cavern’s walls.
Picking themselves up, the party took stock. There was no doubt they were now deep, deep underground. Thonn theorised they had slid in the direction of the waterfalls he had explored several weeks ago during the party’s almost ill-fated exploration of the caverns below the mausoleum.
Several of the heroes were injured so the two clerics used their divine powers to heal their wounds. It was lucky they did, for at that moment, two scaly humanoids, their hands ending in long claws and their heads topped with frilled crests, burst into the chamber. As they charged the party, a hideous stench swept over the heroes.
However, the heroes rose to the challenge and quickly slew the two creatures—which Bodrum identified as troglodytes. Now a terrible choice lay before them: should they stay in the cavern and await rescue, or should they try to find their own way out? Calling up to Saeldur and Ozloc received no response, although Gromm did hear faint laughter from above. Assuming this was the hobgoblins chortling at the party’s fate, the heroes decided they had no choice but to rescue themselves!
After a brief discussion, the heroes headed into a passage heading—perhaps—northeast. The corridor ran roughly straight before intersecting with a side tunnel and small cave. The cave seemed empty, and the party began to pass but was suddenly assailed by three more troglodytes hiding in the cavern! Battle was again joined. The three beasts were slain, but not before several of the party had suffered minor wounds…
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