AtD 042: Death to ALL Kobolds

Retreating to their hidden “fortress”, the party set about identifying their new treasures. In short order they identified the three potions—healing, growth and invisibility—and the two scrolls—one contained a fireball spell!

After resting for an hour, the heroes sallied forth again to seek and destroy all the surviving kobolds.

Exploring westwards, they discovered a series of empty chambers and a long set of stairs leading downwards. Creeping down the stairs, the party’s leaders—Harald and Thonn—saw the faint flicker of flames on the passageway wall. Annoyingly, the passageway turned sharply northward, obscuring sight of what lay beyond.

Now—with ultimate caution—the heroes moved forward eager for the kill. Rounding the corner, they discovered seven kobolds sitting around a smouldering cooking pot. The kobolds leapt to their feet—battle was joined! With blinding speed Saeldur killed all seven with two exploding arrows. As the party began to relax, the sounds of more kobolds coming to aid their fallen companions reached the party’s ears. Harald and Thonn moved to the east while Gromm, Balasar and Bodrum moved west.

The kobolds were easy prey. Split up, confused and seemingly lacking any coherent leadership, the kobolds surged forward and died in heaps upon the party’s blades. As the battle raged, the sound of swords hacking into kobold bodies, the cries of the injured and dying, and the party’s battle cries filled the air…