D&D in a Cave

Last night, I played D&D in a cave!

Global HQ lies under one mile from Kent’s Cavern. A month ago or so, I got an email from Kents Cavern promoting a game of D&D in the prehistoric caves. Unsurprisingly, I leapt at the chance to play. I’ve played tons of D&D in my time, but I’ve never played in an actual cave before.

Gaming in the Bowels of Kents Cavern

Last night, I and five other intrepid adventurers, led by DM James, heroically dared the cave-lair of—well—if you want to know more, you’ll have to book a session yourself!

During the game, we got to see an actual (rare) bat nesting in the caves during the game, and some of the cave’s features made an appearance in the adventure.

A trapped earth elemental?
Looks like a gigantic jawbone to me!

We even got a quick tour of parts of the cave after the game.

If you happen to be in Torquay over the summer, Kents Cavern is running more sessions of D&D in the Caves on select nights. Click here to see the schedule.

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