013: Once More into the Shadows

With no time to waste, the party made their final preparations and once again heroically sallied forth to the accursed Shadow Fane. Without incident, they passed through the watch’s cordon and descended deep under Languard’s teeming streets.

As they neared the fane, they moved more cautiously. After a hurried, whispered conversation the heroes decided to investigate the temple to the south. Of course, Artur was in the van and bravely strode into the temple. A veil of magical fear protected the approaches, but the brave paladin easily pushed aside any minor trepidations—he was about Darlen’s work.

Entering the fane, however, alerted its guardians. A being of pure shadow emerged from the darkness and struck at the paladin. Luckily for Artur, he carried a light and its blazing luminosity dazzled the foul abyssal creature. It missed and then darted away into a nearby wall. Artur’s companions rushed to help him, and a confused, disjointed melee broke out. Artur struck the shadow demon a terrific blow backed by his divinity, which inflicted a terrible wound on his attacker. The rest of the party made two discoveries:normal mortal weapons had a much reduced effect on the creature, and there were actually two of them!

In the ensuing fight, several of the heroes were badly injured, including Luther who was nearly slain by one of the creatures. Eventually, however, the heroes prevailed.

During the fight, Dennan had discovered the temple’s altar had a lid of sorts. Eagerly prying it open the party found a great mass of coins and gems along with a magic potion and scroll!

After a brief rest, the party pushed onwards—there was still a cave system of unknown extent to explore and clear. Quickly, they reached the caves. Luther, cautiously led the way inside. As he climbed a set of rough hewn steps the faint smell of death and decay reached his nostrils. Bones lay scattered the floor, and as the party advanced deeper into the caves the bones quickly became more common. Reaching a large cave jammed with bones the party realised all the remains were headless…