2 min read

018: Balls of Death

With Luther across the knotted rope an advanced guard followed him. In short order, Colzo and Grand Silvertongue were across the river and investigating the corridor leading eastwards.
018: Balls of Death

With Luther across the knotted rope an advanced guard followed him. In short order, Colzo and Grand Silvertongue were across the river and investigating the corridor leading eastwards.

The slit in the ceiling proved particularly interesting (or perhaps concerning). After extensive investigation, however, no danger could be found and as the advance guard pushed on the rest of the heroes crossed the river.

The corridor terminated in a bone-strewn chamber. Artur–using his divine senses--divined the presence of undead lurking amid the bones. He shouted a warning, providing his friends a few critical moments to prepare–before three balls of glimmering black and blue light emerged from the bones.

Battle was joined.

The glowing balls of light–will-o'-wisps–zipped forward to attack. However, the party had been warned, and their defences were up. The wisps failed to damage the heroes in their initial assault. In return the party unleashed a barrage of attacks. In short order, one wisp had been destroyed and the others forced to flee. In return, Colzo had been badly scorched, but the party were otherwise in good shape.

The heroes gave chase to the illusive wisps, eventually catching and destroyed their two remaining foes. The fight and chase had ranged through a swath of other rooms. During the battle, Artur had disturbed another lurking grey ooze, but Dennan and Luther had saved the paladin from serious injury. Artur had also discovered a natural cavern festooned with heaps of bat guano. A great multitude of bats roosted in the cave, and the party decided to leave well alone. Killing the bats seemed pointless, and could result in exposure to any number of foul diseases lurking in the guano.

Exploring the rest of the small complex, the party found little of interest save a plain and unadorned longsword clutched in the bony hand of a slain warrior at the bottom of one of the heaps in the first room they explored.

Horsa discovered the sword was magical–and Colzo quickly claimed the enscrolled blade.

With the sub-level cleared, talk turned to what to do next. After a brief conversation, the party decided to return to Languard to re-equip with the goal of returning the next day to mount a lengthy two-week exploration of Gloamhold!