Edgelands of Chaos Session 0 Stampedes Toward Me

In exciting news, session zero for my new Monday night 5e D&D campaign is now under a week away. It's been a long road getting here, and I'm chomping at the bit to get started.

I haven't played D&D "properly" for almost two years now. (By "properly", I mean in a sustained burst). I'm having a blast running Masks of Nyarlathotep on Wednesday nights (although I could rant—extensively—about the book's organisation and layout), but the urge to delve into dungeons, slay orcs and steal their treasure burns brightly in my breast.

So, next Monday, we'll begin!

Session Zeros are jolly important for campaigns. They enable the GM to set the scene, the players to meet up (in this instance for the first time as a group) and for the group to generate characters together. A balanced party is a handy thing to have, after all, in D&D!

In any event, as you've probably guessed, I'll be blogging about the game here as it progresses.

And I'll be using the whole thing as a further excuse to develop more of Ashlar. (This way, I can tell the wife I am working, and I stand a good chance of getting away with it…)