Face to Face Gaming!

After 15 long, long months of Zoom gaming, we've had our first face to face game session!

I'm a reserved Englishman not given to overt displays of emotion (one does so hate to make a scene) but I was almost childishly excited at the thought of actually playing a face to face game.

Sadly, though, we are a large group of eight and so we could not all meet up. Some of the chaps' "Covid schedules" along with the UK's rule of six meant several of us had to Zoom in.

Still, it was great, and reminded me of what I'd been missing. The sound of someone else's dice actually rolling on my table was extremely welcome. (As was the sight of all those low numbers...)

I've built a hybrid gaming system to handle a "blended" session, and last night it worked pretty well. I'll be sharing my setup in a future post as setting up a hybrid system to handle six people is slightly more complicated than setting up a system for one person.

In any event, I'm buzzing after the game. Roll on the end of lockdown restrictions so we can all meet up again!