1 min read

First Shadowed Keep Review!

A few weeks ago, Raging Swan Press released the 5e edition of Shadowed Keep on the Borderland. I'm insanely proud of this adventure and I've been waiting eagerly to see what other people think.

A few weeks ago, Raging Swan Press released the 5e edition of Shadowed Keep on the Borderland. I'm insanely proud of this adventure and I've been waiting eagerly to see what other people think.

Kevin over at the BusyWyvern has this to say about the adventure:

"This adventure is one of the best possible ways to start your campaign. Contains a city that’s not too small, not too big, and full of intrigue; a keep that begs exploration and has secrets on every level; and tons of adventure hooks that can be meshed in with nearly anything a GM can think of. Highest recommendation – get this adventure and have it handy at all times."

Obviously, I'm delighted Kevin has enjoyed the Shadowed Keep so much. You can read the entire review, here.

Also, if you'd like to leave a review of the adventure over at DriveThruRPG I'd love to know your thoughts on the adventure and how it translated over to 5e.