Game Better

It’s easy as a gamer to just turn up (either online or in-person), check out and play. However there is a better way. We can game better.

How many of us spend much time trying to game better? Tabletop roleplaying is (or really should be) a collaborative experience where you all work together to have fun. Sure you can “win” the game, but you normally do so at exactly the same time as everyone else.

For me, gaming time is precious, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible (whether I’m playing or running the game). And I want my friends to enjoy it as much as possible. This does not mean giving them loads of treasure and easy combats. After all, without challenge there is no excitement or sense of achievement. Rather, as gamers we have a responsibility to help the other participants (players and GMs) have fun. If you don’t care about other people enjoying themselves at the table, you should pick a different hobby.

But how can we ensure the other people at the table have fun? And perhaps more importantly, how can we help them have more fun?

Three Simple Ways to Game Better

The three examples below are perhaps the most basic and obvious ways to game better. There are many other ways you can play better.

  1. Be organised and know the rules. Don’t waste precious game time wondering how a certain mechanic works. Simply spending time preparing for the session should handily solve this problem. For example, If your character has learnt a new spell, read and understand it.
  2. Be respectful of other gamers’ time in the spotlight. Your character can’t do everything. You can’t be investigating the ancient runes, while keeping watch and interrogating a prisoner all at the same time. Sometimes you should shut up, sit quietly and let other people lead. (Even if they lead “wrong”).
  3. Be present. If you are going to play, play. Don’t play and watch the football. Don’t play and check Tinder. Don’t play and surf the net. Be present with your friends. Play the game.

The Final Word

How do you play better? Sign up for a paid Gameatory account and let me know in our exclusive Slack.