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Going Back to Pathfinder

At the end of 2019, we switched from 5e to Pathfinder 1. Since then, we’ve managed about 70 sessions (sadly, mostly on Zoom). 5e has many strengths—not least its quick and simple mechanics—but that said, we are heading back to Pathfinder 1st edition in the near future.
Going Back to Pathfinder

At the end of 2019, we switched from 5e to Pathfinder 1. Since then, we’ve managed about 70 sessions (sadly, mostly on Zoom). 5e has many strengths—not least its quick and simple mechanics—but that said, we are heading back to Pathfinder 1st edition in the near future. (There is zero enthusiasm in the group for Pathfinder 2nd edition).

While I think the whole group agrees combat is quicker in 5e (and was a godsend while playing over Zoom) none of the group prefer 5e’s simplistic character generation and advancement rules. Levelling up in 5e—for them—is dissatisfying mainly due to the lack of meaningful choice most levels provide.

While our exact plans have not yet been laid, I’ll be running a 5e high-level one-shot before we give up on the system. Thus, it's likely we won't be back with Pathfinder until the end of the year. When we return to Ashlar and (perhaps) Gloamhold the party will likely feature a variety of characters: some of the original Pathfinder 1 characters will be returning to the party roster while some of the chaps are planning to convert their current 5e character to Pathfinder 1.

To a large extent, returning to Pathfinder 1st edition feels like I’m coming home. Since it was released, it has been my game of choice. It’s the system my first Raging Swan Press products were written in and while it is not perfect it’s a great middle-ground game.

I think 5e and Pathfinder 1st edition could spawn a particularly attractive love child. Pathfinder does character generation, skills, magic items and pretty much everything else better than 5e. 5e does combat much better than Pathfinder 1st edition. To make the perfect lovechild, of course, you need to add a decent dash of old-school rules into the mix. There is a lot to like (and loot) from 1st and 2nd edition AD&D.

Sadly, I fear, such a project is beyond the scope of Raging Swan Press—or at least it is beyond the scope of Raging Swan Press if I want to ever release anything else. Thus, we’ll be going back to a largely unmodified Pathfinder (although I won’t be able to resist adding in some house rules!)