In and Out (New Notebook Ahoy)

February is inbound and will be here tomorrow (assuming it is on schedule).

With my new notebook system, that means I get to set up a new Field Notes. If you have been following my posts for any decent length of time, you’ll know this is cause for (restrained and dignified) celebrations.

I love the simple black colour scheme of these notebooks. (If you have seen any of Raging Swan Press’s books, you’ll probably understand why). This new pocket notebook is my monthly bullet journal.

My design pocket notebook is still going strong:

And I’m advancing through it a page a day:

I am very much enjoying the idea-per-day approach to design. I like this bite-sized approach. Some days are easy, and some days are hard. What I’m doing, though, is building up a bank of ideas for the future. It has spawned some cracking thoughts—including an idea for a whole new kind of adventure. I’m leaving that idea alone for a bit to see how it develops.

And the really good news is that in 14 days, I get to pick a new Daily Design notebook. The decedance.

In summary, I’m really enjoying my new system. I love how portable and accessible pocket notebooks are and how starting a new one every month gives me the opportunity to modify and improve my system. I can take my books anywhere, which makes me less reliant on my phone. That can’t be a bad thing.

Creighton Broadhurst is the Publisher of Useful Items at Raging Swan Press. He lives on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity. He is not planning to voyage far.