Leaving Performance on the Table

In recent weeks, I’ve been beset with a nagging, growing suspicion I could do more. While I am busy at work (who isn’t these days), I’ve got this growing feeling I’m leaving performance on the table. Design undone. Words unwritten. Books unreleased. I don’t like this feeling.

I love my “job”, and I love working from home/Global HQ. I’ve worked hard to strike a good balance between work, rest and play. But I could be doing more—designing more—without impacting that balance. Designing more may even improve that balance.

This means there is deep thinking to be done.

As November hurtles towards us, I am about to fill my current bullet journal. It only lasted five months. This means now is the perfect time to modify my productivity system.

I am a huge fan of bullet journalling (and, obviously, notebooks), but I also love tinkering. Bullet journaling is fantastic—it’s a key driver of my productivity—but I think I can make the system better (for me). So that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll experiment with a modified system—one designed for my specific needs and situation. I’ll use bullet journalling as the system’s foundation and draw heavily on time-blocking and time-tracking principles to make my days better and more productive. (That’s better and more productive, as I define it.)

I’ll be blogging about the system here. I’d love your insights, thoughts and suggestions on how to make it better. My time is precious—it is my most precious resource—and I want to get maximum value from it. I do not want to leave performance on the table.

Creighton Broadhurst is the Publisher of Useful Items at Raging Swan Press. He lives on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity. He is not planning to voyage far.