Many-Sided Black Swans

Parcels which I am not expecting often turn up at Raging Swan Press's Global HQ—normally they have my wife’s name on them. However, yesterday a parcel which I had no recollection whatsoever of ordering arrived with my name on it!

Imagine the excitement (and the bafflement).

Opening the parcel, I discovered a set of translucent dice. I was baffled as I had no recollection of ordering dice. Unsurprisingly, I already have several sets. I don’t need more dice.

It turns out I was wrong.

When I examined the dice, I noticed something in the dice—black swans!

And here's a close up of several of the dice:

How crazy is that!?

An anonymous someone found these and sent them to me. Thank you, whoever you are. I’ll be using them tonight in my weekly Masks of Nyarlathotep session.

If you would also like some black swan dice, you can get a set here. (This is not an affiliate link and I get nothing for mentioning the dice or posting the link.)