Mon 012: Interlude

After the events at the Corbitt house, two uneventful months passed. Solomon returned from his mysterious assignment while Sam and Jezebel took well-earned rests.

Rupert, however, was busy studying the Corbitt diaries. By early December, the biologist believed he had unlocked his understanding of an actual magic spell—Call Forth the Opener of Ways. However, he had not yet mustered the courage to cast the spell, and so it remained a matter of conjecture as to whether it would actually work…

Thus at the start of December, Sam, Rupert and Jezebel gathered for a quiet dinner at Rupert’s home. As they ate and talked, Rupert noticed something strange happening across the street…

About this Session Summary

This post is a prelude to my 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign. We decided to run some “origin” sessions for some of the main characters, and this is one of them. Session summaries are posted in (game world) date order, so it will be some time before we get to the main campaign.

This session summary comes from the classic Call of Cthulhu adventure "The Haunting".

We play weekly, so sign up to get our session summaries direct to your inbox.

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This post is a session summary for my weekly 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.