MoN 08: Absences

Drizzle fell over Boston as the four intrepid investigators prepared for another day of research and—perhaps—action. However, events were to stymie their plans.

Solomon was called away suddenly to participate in an FBI raid on a warehouse down by the docks. The bureau had received reports that a gang of mobsters were using the place to smuggle illicit alcohol and firearms into the country. The raid was a bust—the warehouse was empty—but the alert agent did catch a faint whiff of a strangely recognisable perfume. He couldn't put his finger on precisely where he'd encountered the scent before, but other evidence in the warehouse strongly suggested the place had been recently occupied. Clearly, an unknown party had tipped off the mobsters.

In any event, the raid stopped Solomon from helping his friends continue their investigations of the Corbitt House.

Across town, outside the Corbitt House, Sam and Rupert waited for Jezebel to arrive. The two waited for hours before giving up on the impetuous woman. Neither could say where Jezebel had got to, and it seemed unwise to explore the house without Solomon or Jezebel. Thus, the two damp investigators returned to Rupert's home to escape the incessant drizzle, discuss their next move and get some food.

About this Session Summary

This post is a prelude to my 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign. We decided to run some “origin” sessions for some of the main characters, and this is one of them. Session summaries are posted in (game world) date order, so it will be some time before we get to the main campaign.

This session summary comes from the classic Call of Cthulhu adventure "The Haunting".

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This post is a session summary for my weekly 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.