Mon 11: Recuperations

Jezebel, Sam and Rupert were bundled into ambulances and rushed to Boston Hospital for emergency treatment while Solomon stayed behind to help manage the scene.

The next morning, the three injured investigators lay in their hospital beds recovering from their wounds. The hospital staff were being particularly solicitous and nice. This baffled the investigators until they saw that morning’s paper which credited them with stopping the murderous rampage of a deranged gunman!

The three wisely stayed quiet as to the actual events at the Corbitt House. None of them particularly wanted to be arrested or confined to a sanatorium.

Weeks Pass

Sam quickly discharged himself from the hospital; his wounds were not severe, and his vitality seemed stronger than Jezebel’s and Sam’s. Sam and Jezebel rested in the hospital for two weeks, slowly regaining their strength. During this time, the Corbitt House was again featured in the papers. This time, it reported that the landlord had been found stabbed to death in the house’s cellar and that the house had been scheduled for demolition.

While Rupert and Sam were keen to leave matters to lie, Jezebel had other ideas. While Solomon was curiously absent—a brief note from the agent spoke of being “sent elsewhere” for a month or two—she took it upon herself to visit the Macario children. Sadly, this fact-finding mission revealed little else of import, except that while living in the house, the two had suffered horrible nightmares of an old man with burning eyes leaning over their beds.

This new revelation added little to the investigator’s store of knowledge. Meeting early in October at Rupert’s large, but ramshackle, home on Chestnut Street, the three reluctantly decided to end their investigation. With the demolition of the house imminent, it seemed the city would soon resolve the matter of the Corbitt house.

About this Session Summary

This post is a prelude to my 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign. We decided to run some “origin” sessions for some of the main characters, and this is one of them. Session summaries are posted in (game world) date order, so it will be some time before we get to the main campaign.

This session summary comes from the classic Call of Cthulhu adventure "The Haunting".

We play weekly, so sign up to get our session summaries direct to your inbox.

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This post is a session summary for my weekly 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.