Reading about Writing

I've been writing (sort of) professionally since 1999. To date, I have written literally millions of published words.

I shudder when I read some of my earliest adventures. I would not write them that way today. (The same is true for the first published edition of Retribution which is only 11 years old.)

Over time, my style has changed and improved. Practise is a huge part of my evolution as a writer. The other is education. I have read many books on writing, in my quest to improve. Earlier this week, though, I realised I haven't read such a book for over a year.

This state of affairs could not be allowed to stand. Which explains these three (new to me) books that turned up yesterday:

Some light, fun reading

I'm looking forward to diving into them to see what I can learn.

One Book to Rule Them All

If you are an aspiring writer—or one who seeks to improve their craft—and want a recommendation for the One Book To Rule Them All this is it:

The One Book

I've repeatedly bought this book. Copies have gone missing or been given away to friends or freelancers. It's so useful and packed full of wisdom I've always replaced it. Various editions and copies of the book abound on Amazon and other stores.

Final Thought

If you are reading this and thinking, "But Creighton my writing is so excellent I do not need to improve" you are wrong.