Thank You, Gary

It’s GM’s Day this week, which has—unsurprisingly—got me thinking about Gary Gygax and how much I owe him.
I’ve been gaming for almost 40 years. Roleplaying games have been a huge part of my life since I played my first game at the age of ten in my grandfather’s cellar.
How the world turns.
- If Gary, along with Dave Arneson, hadn’t invented roleplaying games
- If my father hadn't purchased the Basic boxed set because he "thought it looked interesting"
- If my American cousin several years later on one of only two trips he's made to the UK hadn't seen that boxed set on my father’s bookshelf
I might never have become a gamer.
Gaming is a huge part of my life and a massive part of who I am.
- Gaming helped me through some difficult teenage years.
- Gaming helped me pass my exams.
- Gaming brought me life-long friends.
- Gaming has given me a career I love.
- Gaming has given me untold hours of fun.
I owe Gary a great debt.
Gary Gygax has had a profound impact on my life. Except for family members, I think he’s had more influence on my life than anyone else. The gaming world would be vastly different without roleplaying games. My life would be unrecognisable—and I doubt it would be better.
So what do I want to say to Gary?
Your invention made my life better and richer. You created a hobby I love which helped me find life-long friends and a career I love. Tonight, I raise a glass of Lagavulin in your honour. Thank you, Gary.
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