The Dwarf's Folly

Standing on Selka Street, this rowdy inn is a favoured haunt of adventurers, mercenaries and other rough and ready sorts. Run by the grizzled ex-mercenary Rister Osma (LN middle-aged male human fighter 4) the place offers cheap, no-frills food, drink and accommodation.

Two large common rooms, along with a kitchen and storerooms, dominate the ground floor while 16 bedrooms of various sizes fill the second floor. Rister dwells in the converted, but cramped, attic. Extensive cellars lie below the Dwarf's Folly, but these are prone to flooding due to the inn's proximity to the Selka.

The inn's offering is cheap and basic:

  • Drink: Mug of ale (4 cp), gallon of ale (2 sp), pitcher of wine (2 sp), bottle of wine (10 gp)
  • Food (Good): Cheap sausage with fried onion and apple chunks, leek and chestnut stew or chicken with buttered parsnip (3 sp)
  • Food (Cheap): Black pudding with turnip and bread, parsnip stew with onion bread or bean and barley pottage (1 sp)
  • Lifestyle: Characters staying at the Dwarf's Folly can enjoy a poor (3 gp/month) or average (10 gp/month) lifestyle.

The Dwarf's Folly is named "in honour" of Delthur Madann--infamous miner and madman who claimed to have a hidden mine somewhere in the Mottled Spire. Delthur's ultimate fate remains unknown and since his disappearance 50 years ago many folk have tried to find his mine. Such expeditions have uniformly ended in disaster or disappointment (or both). Locally, the phrase “Delthur’s Folly” has become synonymous with obviously doomed, badly-conceived and executed plans and expeditions. In Dunstone, a “Scion of Delthur” is one marked for an early, foolish death in the lands beyond the Selka River.

Notable Folk

  • Rister Osma (LN middle-aged male human fighter 4) loves running the Dwarf's Folly. While not a coward, he has no desire to return to his old life of travel, danger and hardship. He loves good drink and tall tales--bards are always welcome at the Dwarf's Folly. Rister is a consummate host, and has the ability to make almost anyone feel special and welcome. Consequently, he is a popular fellow.

Adventure Hook

  • Friends & Patrons: Adventurous folk, their hangers-on and the like along with opportunistic thieves and even patrons gravitate to the Dwarf's Folly. The tavern is a good place to make new friends or even secure a job.

Creighton Note

Over the coming weeks, I'll be designing several new locations for the borderland town of Dunstone. Dunstone featured in my Against the Darkness campaign recently and I want to update the town to reflect the events therein.

Along with Bart Wynants I'm also working on a series of Dungeon Backdrops set in and around the town. Expect to see more of Dunstone in the future! (And feel free to use the Dwarf's Folly in your own campaign!)