The Edgelands of Chaos

I'm starting a new weekly 5e D&D campaign. We'll be running our session 0 on Monday October 2nd and I'll be running the game alongside my weekly Masks of Nyarlathotep game. I love playing Call of Cthulhu, but I have missed some old-fashioned dungeon delving over the last couple of years.

Here's the campaign blurb:

The Duchy of Ashlar is small and constrained. Always, the forces of evil and shadow press inwards upon its borders. If it were not for a stout few, death and darkness would have long ago overwhelmed the land.

We'll be starting new 1st-level characters and using the three core rulebooks only. (Long-term readers will know that I loathe including the "splat" books in my campaigns.)

In any event, I'm excited! I'll be posting the sessions summaries here, no doubt, so you'll be able to keep up with the heroes' crazy doings!