1 min read

The Thunderaxe

The thunderaxe is an exotic weapon developed by the dwarves of Vongyth in the centuries before the hold's fall. The secret of their making and wielding yet remains in the dwarven hold of Don Galir, which lies beneath the human village of Wellswood in the Duchy of Ashlar.

The thunderaxe is an exotic weapon developed by the dwarves of Vongyth in the centuries before the hold's fall. The secret of their making and wielding yet remains in the dwarven hold of Don Galir, which lies beneath the human village of Wellswood in the Duchy of Ashlar.

The weapon has a large ornate axe head mounted on a thick haft; a hammer head is welded to the back of the axe head. A thunderaxe is too large and unwieldy to use one-handed, without special training.

Illustration by Matt Morrow

Some thunderaxes are crafted from the rare starmetal tordel.


A Medium character can use a thunderaxe two-handed as a martial weapon or one-handed as an exotic weapon. A dwarf scion of Don Galir or fallen Vongyth treats the thunderaxe as a martial weapon even when using it in one hand.

Cost 50 gp; Weight 15 lbs.; Type S or B; Dmg (S) 1d6/1d6; Dmg (M) 1d8/1d8; Critical x3


Cost 50 gp; Weight 15 lbs.; Damage 1d8 slashing or 1d8 bludgeoning

Additional Credit

Martin Webb, one of the players in my gaming group, came up with the initial concept of the thunderaxe.