1 min read

Why Text Files?

I’ve fallen in love with the humble .txt file.

I’ve fallen in love with the humble .txt file.

Text files are:

  • Simple
  • Operating system neutral
  • Durable
  • Lightweight and portable


You can import a .txt file into any text editor or word processor on any operating system. You don’t have to worry about proprietary file formats or compatibility issues. You don’t have to worry about legacy formatting commands messing up your data. You’ve just got plain text and, perhaps, some markdown.

System Neutral

Whether you work on Mac, Windows, Android or a mix of operating systems you’ll be able to open your .txt file. This is handy, when sharing your work with a friend, colleague or client.


Using .txt files future proofs your work. I have Word files from the early 90s that no longer open on my Mac (for reasons I don’t fully understand). Text files are so simple, virtually anything can open them.

Lightweight and Portable

Text files are crazy portable. You can fit literally hundreds into the same space as a single photograph. Backups take seconds.

The Final Word

Imagine writing something important today, and being able to open it in 30 years time. Imagine writing something important today and not being able to open it in 30 years time.

All hail the humble text file!